All Australian residents have access to bereavement benefits

All Australian residents have access to bereavement benefits

In Australia, all eligible citizens are eligible for bereavement benefits. This policy aims to reduce the financial burden on the elderly and their families and ensure that they receive dignified funeral services in the last stage of their lives.

Policy Details


If your partner was registered with the Pension Award Scheme, you can apply for this payment. You should submit your claim within 26 weeks of your partner's death.

For eligible pensioners or welfare recipients, Centrelink will pay a certain amount to help with funeral and related costs.

If your family is in financial difficulty, you can apply for a destitute funeral.The cost of a destitute funeral is paid by the Area Health Service and is a basic funeral service.


The subsidy will cover basic funeral costs, including transportation of the body, funeral arrangements and the cost of a coffin or urn, providing much-needed financial assistance to families during this difficult time.

3.Application Process:

Applications can usually be submitted online or at a local government service center. The required materials include the deceased's death certificate, the applicant's income certificate and financial situation statement, and an invoice or estimate of funeral expenses.

Significance of the Policy

This initiative reflects the government's commitment to caring for the elderly population and helping them and their families cope with unexpected events more easily. Providing bereavement benefits will not only reduce the financial pressure on families, but also ensure that the elderly are respected and remembered with dignity.

How to Get More Information

Interested individuals can learn more about the application process and required documents.

This move will significantly reduce the financial burden on Australia's older population and help build a more inclusive and supportive society.