Don’t be fooled, car insurance isn’t free. Progressive Auto Insurance is committed to helping you save money by getting you the lowest car insurance rates! !
Get a car insurance quote online in the shortest amount of time possible, so you can get the coverage you need, at a price that works for you. We are committed to the lowest car insurance rates in the industry, which can save you a lot of money!

Get more discounts Get lower car insurance prices
Progressive Auto Insurance offers customers an average of seven discounts
Bundle auto and property insurance: New customers who bundle home and auto insurance save an average of $983.
Compare car insurance rates: Get free car insurance quotes to find the best rate and policy for you.
Snapshot: Our Snapshot program personalizes your car insurance rates based on your situation.
Tools: Tell us how much you want to pay for car insurance. Then we’ll show you insurance options that fit your budget.
Why Choose Progressive Auto Insurance
Over 27 million drivers nationwide trust us for auto insurance.
Affordable Prices From Automatic Auto Insurance Discounts with paperless billing to unique features like our rate comparison tool, there are plenty of opportunities to save you money. We offer a variety of insurance options **that you can customize to your needs and budget. **
Loyalty Rewards Program includes small and major** accident forgiveness, teen driver discounts, and more. **
Auto Insurance Coverage
Liability: Most states require all drivers to carry liability insurance. This coverage will pay for property damage and injuries you cause to others if you are found responsible for the accident. It can also pay for related legal fees.
Comprehensive and Collision: If you have a new or high-value vehicle, comprehensive and collision insurance are often purchased together to provide you with financial protection in the event of unexpected damage to your car.
Roadside Assistance: Pays for towing services, tire replacement, fuel delivery, lockout services, and more if your car breaks down.
Why do I need auto insurance?
Almost every state requires auto insurance, especially liability insurance, to provide you with financial protection in the event you cause injury to others or property damage. With additional protection, your auto insurance can also help pay for the cost of repairing or replacing your own vehicle.